Community Psychology elsewhere
Below you will find links to community psychology outside Britain... do please let us have updates and more details of sites in Australasia, Latin America, Africa, Europe, Canada, Asia,  etc.

updated 20 February, 2013

Europevv      Americas >>       Australia>>
Aoteroa/New Zealand  >>


European Community Psychology Association

ECPA Website


Naples / Napoli, Italy

The 9th European Congress of Community Psychology (9th ECCP) will be held in Naples 7th to 9th  November, 2013. The event is organized by the European Community Psychology Association (ECPA),  the  INCOPARDE LAB of University Federico II, in collaboration with the Fondazione Mediterraneo and SIPCO Società Italiana di Psicologia di Comunità. The 9th Congress will take place in Naples at  the Fondazione Mediterraneo – Via De Pretis 133.

There will be pre-conference workshops on 6th N ovember.



Psicomunita Site with Italian and English language material and links. 

 Spain (and international)
Journal:  Psychosocial Intervention / Intervención Psicosocial

America (the name of a continent)
Central America  and Caribbean         North America      South America

Liber-acción:  site of the international network on Psychology of Liberation.  (in Spanish)

Join email list dedicated to Liberation Psychology (in Spanish):-

Haz clic para suscribirte a psicliberacion

7th International Congress of Liberation Psychology:  8-10 November 2007, University of Chile, Santiago  information (in Spanish)

More on Liberation Psychology
summary of the 4th conf. in Guatemala                                                         


South America

   Venezuela  Monograph on Community Research in Venezuela


    Brazilian 'Psychology and You' project
   (explanations and information on childhood and adolescence) - in Portuguese
    (See article in The Community Psychologist, Winter 2001 34, no. 1 - which also includes some papers
   on liberation psychology see also this link)
   More on Community Psychology in Brazil: article Voices from the south: the construction  of
    Brazilian  community social psychology   Maria de Fátima Quintal de Freitas Journal of
   Community & Applied Social Psychology  Volume 10, Issue 4, 2000. Abstract.


Portal Psicologia: contains a section on community psychology with many articles, some of them in English, most in
Spanish and a few in Portuguese. Follow the link to
profesiones, and then psicología communitaria.

Thanks to Francisco Aguayo Fuenzalida for this link


Central America and Caribean
El Salvador
University of Central America (Universidad Centroaméricano José Simeón Cañas)  Dept. of Psychology  (in Spanish)
Useful links to the Liberation Psychology of Ignacio Martín-Baró.
also see the Ignacio Martín-Baró Fund for Mental Health & Human Rights


North America

    Society for Community Research and Action  ( USA) 
Known as SCRA.  Although this is Division 27 of the (currently disgraced) American (sic) Psychological Association, it also maintains the interdisciplinary mandate of community psychology insofar as it 'serves many different disciplines that focus on community research and action' - one interesting aspect is that you don't have to be a psychologist (or a North American) to join.  The Division / SCRA publishes the American Journal of Community Psychology and a newsletter, the Community Psychologist (the latter accessible from their site).

    Alaska Community Cache :  prevention tools . 'The information you will find in these pages will cover local,  state, and national locations for information to help you help your community.'

Isaac Prilleltensky's excellent personal website -  -

The Australian Psychological Society's College of Community Psychologists


Victoria University (Melbourne)  new site

Edith Cowan University (Perth)

Thanks to Adrian Fisher at Victoria University for these links.


Aoteroa/New Zealand

Community Psychology at Univ of Waikato

... do please let us have more details of sites in Australasia, Latin America, Africa, Europe, Canada, Asia,  etc.
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